Creșterea aderenței la tratament a pacienților cu diabet

Acesta este materialul de suport pentru medicii participanții la un curs de doua ore pe tema creșterii aderenței la tratament a pacienților cu diabet.

3 filme

Pentru început, 3 filme de circa 20 de minute despre creșterea aderenței la tratament a pacienților a pacienților cu diabet tip II. Este necesar un cont pe Medscape dar ce doctor nu are așa ceva?

Patient Motivation, Education, & Self-Management, Type 2 Diabetes:

• Adherence to Type 2 Diabetes Therapy Plans

• The Psychology of Type 2 Diabetes (la ora la care scriu acest articol filmul nu funcționează dar se poate citi scriptul, sper că se va remedia)

4 articole/ studii de referință

Improving Patient Adherence: „To ensure that behavior change does not occur, the following techniques would be helpful: do not establish rapport; tell patients what to do; take control away from patients; misjudge patients’ sense of the importance of behavior change and their confidence in achieving change; overestimate their readiness to change; argue with patients; blame them for not taking better care of themselves; and use scare tactics.” Improving Patient Adherence, Alan M. Delamater, PhD, ABPP

The Patient-Provider Relationship: Attachment Theory and Adherence to Treatment in Diabetes (o abordare ușor psihiatrică):

Physicians’ Empathy and Clinical Outcomes for Diabetic Patients “Conclusions: The hypothesis of a positive relationship between physicians’ empathy and patients’ clinical outcomes was confirmed, suggesting that physicians’ empathy is an important factor associated with clinical competence and patient outcomes.”

Physician Communication With Diabetic Patients Who Have Low Health Literacy (chiar daca este cu/despre medici de familie) „Conclusions Primary care physicians caring for patients with diabetes mellitus and low functional health literacy rarely assessed patient recall or comprehension of new concepts. Overlooking this step in communication reflects a missed opportunity that may have important clinical implications.”

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