Știrile medicale ale lunii septembrie 2020

Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante din luna septembrie 2020.

Covid experts: there is another way – UnHerd https://unherd.com/2020/10/covid-experts-there-is-another-way/

Three eminent epidemiologists met in Massachusetts to plan a better response to the pandemic.

O infirmieră din Arad a donat de patru ori plasmă pentru tratarea pacienților cu COVID-19 – Coronavirus – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-coronavirus-24262540-infirmiera-din-arad-donat-patru-ori-plasma-pentru-tratarea-pacientilor-covid-19.htm

O infirmieră de la secția ATI a Spitalului Clinic Județean de Urgență din Arad a donat de patru ori plasmă pentru tratarea pacienților cu COVID-19, iar săptămâna viitoare este programată la Centrul de Transfuzie Sanguină pentru a cincea recoltare.

Wear Your Mask and Stop Talking – The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/08/wear-your-mask-and-stop-talking/615796/

COVID-19 researchers have rightly extolled the virtues of masks, hailed the necessity of ventilation, and praised the salutary nature of outdoor activities. But another behavioral tactic hasn’t received enough attention, in part because it makes itself known by its absence. That tactic is silence.

A Supercomputer’s Covid-19 Analysis Yields a New Way to Understand the Virus | Elemental https://elemental.medium.com/a-supercomputer-analyzed-covid-19-and-an-interesting-new-theory-has-emerged-31cb8eba9d63

Mai avem nevoie de Raed Arafat? – DoR https://www.dor.ro/urgenta-raed-arafat-lider-pandemie/

Raed Arafat a construit de la zero sistemul public de medicină de urgență. Apoi a devenit șeful unei structuri de stat care a supraviețuit tuturor schimbărilor politice. Are o încredere fantastică din partea populației, dar și critici pertinenți. Ne poate ghida și printr-o criză pe termen nelimitat?

Dragoste de fiica: O fetita de 12 ani din Oradea, infectata cu Covid,… https://www.ebihoreanul.ro/stiri/dragoste-de-fiica-o-fetita-de-12-ani-din-oradea-infectata-cu-covid-s-a-internat-in-spital-pentru-a-si-proteja-mama-bolnava-157881.html

O fetiţă de 12 ani, elevă la o şcoală din centrul Oradiei, se dovedeşte mai precaută şi mai cu minte decât mulţimile de adulţi care sfidează gravitatea pandemiei.

A Dentist Sees More Cracked Teeth. What’s Going On? – The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/08/well/live/dentists-tooth-teeth-cracks-fractures-coronavirus-stress-grinding.html

“I’ve seen more tooth fractures in the last six weeks than in the previous six years,” I explained.

Unfortunately, that’s no exaggeration.

We Actively Avoid Information That Can Help Us https://hbr.org/2020/09/we-actively-avoid-information-that-can-help-us

Emily Ho of Northwestern University and two coresearchers asked more than 2,300 survey participants whether they would like to get various kinds of information that could be useful to them, including how their retirement accounts stacked up against their peers’, what listeners thought of a speech they’d recently given, and how coworkers rated their strengths and weaknesses.

Jucătorii CFR Cluj au mers la Spitaulul de Boli Infecţioase pentru a mulţumi personalului medical; Dan Petrescu: Vă mulţumim şi sper să nu mai avem nevoie să venim pe aici | News.ro https://www.news.ro/sport/jucatorii-cfr-cluj-au-mers-la-spitaulul-de-boli-infectioase-pentru-a-multumi-personalului-medical-dan-petrescu-va-multumim-si-sper-sa-nu-mai-avem-nevoie-sa-venim-pe-aici-1922402815002020091819481801

Jucătorii CFR Cluj au mers, marţi, la Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase pentru a mulţumi personalului medical, care a tratat mai mulţi fotbalişti şi membrii ai staff-ului bolnavi de Covid-19.

Famous Speeches: A List of the Greatest Speeches of All-Time https://jamesclear.com/great-speeches

As far as I know this is the only place where you can read transcripts of these speeches in one place.

The deadly viruses that vanished without trace – BBC Future https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200918-why-some-deadly-viruses-vanish-and-go-extinct

Scientists are only just starting to unravel why some viruses disappear, while others can linger and cause disease for centuries.

Cum ajungi să mori în România dintr-o întrerupere de sarcină pe bani puțini https://pressone.ro/cum-ajungi-sa-mori-in-romania-dintr-o-intrerupere-de-sarcina-pe-bani-putini

O femeie din Băicoi, în vârstă de 45 de ani, însărcinată în 12 săptămâni, a murit la începutul săptămânii, în urma unui chiuretaj efectuat într-un cabinet medical particular din Ploiești.

Pets Helped People Cope During Pandemic: Study https://pets.webmd.com/news/20200930/pets-helped-people-cope-during-pandemic-lockdown-study

Pets helped many people cope with the mental stress of being locked down during the coronavirus pandemic, a new study finds.

This is what happens to your body over months in isolation – CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/26/health/what-isolation-does-to-body-wellness-trnd/index.html

(CNN)Since the pandemic officially began in March, we’ve been told staying home is the best way to avoid catching Covid-19. And it is. But life in confinement can cause physical ailments on its own.

How To Be A Better Public Speaker Tips From Toastmasters World Champion https://www.forbes.com/sites/henrydevries/2020/10/01/how-to-be-a-better-public-speaker-tips-from-toastmasters-world-champion/

Mike Carr, who bested 30,000 participants to win the world’s largest speech contest, has advice on how anyone can improve as a public speaker.

The Double Life of Productivity’s Most Famous Doctor – Superorganizers https://superorganizers.substack.com/p/the-double-life-of-productivitys

YouTuber Ali Abdaal shares how he makes the productivity videos that have netted him 1M subscribers

Winter will make the pandemic worse. Here’s what you need to know. | MIT Technology Review https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/10/08/1009650/winter-will-make-the-pandemic-worse/

As the weather gets colder and people spend more time inside, improving air circulation and filters in buildings will be key to controlling covid-19.

This Algorithm Doesn’t Replace Doctors—It Makes Them Better | WIRED https://www.wired.com/story/algorithm-doesnt-replace-doctors-makes-them-better/

An artificial intelligence system has outperformed physicians when detecting skin lesions. The results are changing how one school trains dermatologists.

How to avoid the virus as the world reopens | Free to read | Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/2418ff87-1d41-41b5-b638-38f5164a2e94

A guide to where the biggest risks lie as lockdowns ease

The One Sentence That Will Make You a More Effective Speaker https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-1-sentence-that-will-make-you-a-more-effective-speaker-every-time

This one simple trick will make all your speeches clear, concise, and compelling.

Writing a book: is it worth it? — Martin Kleppmann’s blog https://martin.kleppmann.com/2020/09/29/is-book-writing-worth-it.html

I don’t want to make this post too self-congratulatory, but rather I will try to share some insights into the business of book-writing.

Covid virus ‘survives for 28 days’ in lab conditions – BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/health-54500673

The virus responsible for Covid-19 can remain infectious on surfaces such as banknotes, phone screens and stainless steel for 28 days, researchers say.

Coronavirusul ”poate rezista pe telefoane și bancnote 28 de zile”, arată un nou studiu – Coronavirus – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-coronavirus-24345022-coronavirusul-poate-rezista-telefoane-banconte-28-zile-arata-nou-studiu.htm

Holger Prothmann – Books From Boxes
Holger Prothmann – Books From Boxes, https://flic.kr/p/2iJU6bP
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