Știrile medicale ale lunii iunie 2023

Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru noi, din luna iunie 2022.
AI meets healthcare: How a children’s hospital is embracing innovation | Mashable https://mashable.com/article/ai-healthcare-integration

As Boston Children’s Hospital hires a prompt engineer and other AI workers, it’s worth asking what all this means for medicine.

Get Ready for 3D-Printed Organs and a Knife That ‘Smells’ Tumors | WIRED https://www.wired.com/story/medical-innovations-hospital-future/

Hospitals are evolving at warp speed, and autonomous surgical robots are just the beginning.

‘DiagnostiCookies’ Bake Signs Of Melanoma Into Snackable Bite-Sized Pieces – DesignTAXI.com https://designtaxi.com/news/423804/DiagnostiCookies-Bake-Signs-Of-Melanoma-Into-Snackable-Bite-Sized-Pieces/

Hoping to crunch the lack of awareness surrounding skin cancer, the Horarios Dermatology Clinic in Brazil has baked up unusual ‘DiagnostiCookies’ that aren’t just empty calories—they’re edible PSAs too.

Suicide, Addiction, Abuse and Other Crises: Can ChatGPT Help?

People in crisis may not know which toll-free hotline or other resource to turn to for help with challenges such as suicidal feelings, addiction, or abuse. Some people are choosing „other” by asking artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT or Bard because they come back with answers quickly.

Ultra low-cost smartphone attachment measures blood pressure at home | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/06/ultra-low-cost-smartphone-attachment-measures-blood-pressure-at-home/

Clever use of physics uses pressure on the skin and optics to track blood flow.

Yes, I used Google Lens to check a mole. What about it? | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/features/yes-i-used-google-lens-to-check-a-mole-what-about-it

A tiny piece of mind

The Public Speaking Guide | The Curiosity Chronicle https://www.sahilbloom.com/newsletter/the-public-speaking-guide

There are two types of speakers: those that are nervous and those that are liars. — Mark Twain

Confession: I am a nervous public speaker.

The Most Beautiful Sound https://www.themostbeautifulsound.org/home

The Most Beautiful Sound is a scientific breakthrough that, for the first time ever, has captured the sound of cancer cells being destroyed.

It’s a sound that will bring hope and resilience to millions of people living with cancer.

It’s a sound that we believe every person living with cancer deserves to hear.

The Peak-End Effect: How To Make a Lasting Impression (Even After Failures) https://fronterablog.com/the-peak-end-effect/

The peak-end effect is when our minds use the peaks and ends of experiences to build a memory.

Let’s see how it works with a story from Disneyland.

And we’ll finish with other examples (a hotel chain and KFC) to understand how to use it in business.

Studiu: 36% dintre medici riscă să prezinte… | News.ro https://www.news.ro/social/studiu-36-dintre-medici-risca-prezinte-sindrom-burnout-mult-jumatate-dintre-medicii-ati-afla-risc-ridicat-6-10-medici-varste-35-ani-au-afirmat-pozitiv-intentie-probabila-40-3-una-sigura-17-2-migra-1922402022002023061721234883

Un studiu realizat de Colegiul Medicilor arată că 36% dintre medici sunt supuşi riscului de a manifesta clinic un sindrom de burnout, iar mai mult de jumătate dintre medicii de ATI se află la risc ridicat. De asemenea, studiul a mai precizat că riscurile cele mai mari de burnout apar în regiunile Bucureşti – Ilfov şi Sud-Vest Oltenia.

Aspartamul, cel mai cunoscut îndulcitor artificial, declarat de OMS ca „posibil cancerigen” – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-sanatate-26365374-oms-urmeaza-declare-aspartamul-indulcitorul-din-nenumarate-produse-posibil-carcinogen.htm

Aspartamul, unul dintre cei mai folosiți îndulcitori artificiali din lume, urmează să fie declarat drept posibil cancerigen de către Organizația Mondială a Sănătății, scrie agenția Reuters, citând două surse apropiate de dosar.

40% dintre români nu cred că suplimentele alimentare au efecte adverse. Sfaturile polițiștilor – spotmedia.ro https://spotmedia.ro/stiri/sanatate/40-dintre-romani-nu-cred-ca-suplimentele-alimentare-au-efecte-adverse-sfaturile-politistilor

Un studiu realizat de Poliţia Română privind comerţul neautorizat de medicamente şi de suplimente alimentare arată că mulţi dintre consumatori sunt „slab informaţi” cu privire la eventualele efecte negative ale acestor produse, iar 40% dintre cei care le cumpără consideră că nu li se poate întâmpla nimic rău din cauza acestor produse.

Alfred Grupstra - The Read Club
Alfred Grupstra – The Read Club, https://flic.kr/p/S7nuTb
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