Știrile medicale ale lunii martie 2021

Mai jos, resursele medicale cele mai importante, pentru noi, din luna martie 2021.

Good News or Bad News: Which Do You Want First? https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/131115-good-news-bad-news-diagnosis-doctors-psychology-science/article/131115-good-news-bad-news-diagnosis-doctors-psychology-science


A new study makes the argument for bad before good—with some exceptions.


România are cel mai mare număr de medici cu vârste cuprinse între 35 și 49 de ani din UE, în timp ce Bulgaria are cel mic număr de medici tineri – Esential – HotNews.ro https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-24654740-romania-are-cel-mai-mare-numar-medici-varste-cuprinse-intre-35-49-ani-din-timp-bulgaria-are-cel-mic-numar-medici-tineri.htm


În majoritatea țărilor UE, ponderea lucrătorilor din domeniul sănătății cu vârsta cuprinsă între 35 și 49 de ani este cea mai mare, cu cea mai mare pondere este România, urmată de Ungaria și Republica Cehă.


De ce valul 3 e altceva – Mamica Pediatru – Irina Costache https://pediatricblog.info/2021/03/de-ce-valul-3-e-altceva.html


De ce valul 3 se simte altfel de pe cealalta parte a baricadei? S-o luam matematic, doar doar s-o intelege ca NU de frica (mea) va scriu (aia s-a mumificat deja), ci pentru FRICA (tuturor).


Ten reasons to write a book | Seth’s Blog https://seths.blog/2021/03/ten-reasons-to-write-a-book/


More than ten, actually. Millions of books will be published this year and for good reason. People rarely regret the effort.


‘Doctor Peyo’: the horse comforting cancer patients in Calais – in pictures | Society | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/society/gallery/2021/mar/12/doctor-peyo-the-horse-comforting-cancer-patients-in-calais-in-pictures


Peyo and his owner once competed at dressage events. Now they spend their time doing rounds in a French hospital, often staying with sick people until the end. All photographs by Jeremy Lempin/Divergence


How the Pandemic Is Transforming Hospital Design – Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-23/how-the-pandemic-is-transforming-hospital-design


The rise of telemedicine, the need to move care closer to communities and the likelihood of future viruses are changing the infrastructure of health care.


Smoking may disappear within a generation, analysts predict https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-03-analysts.html


In 10 to 20 years there could be no smokers left in many markets, according to analysts at Jefferies.

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