Știrile medicale ale lunii octombrie 2023

Mai jos, resursele medicale cele mai importante, pentru noi, din perioada recentă.

AI-driven diagnostics and beyond https://www.kevinmd.com/2023/09/ai-driven-diagnostics-and-beyond.html

Years from now, the notion of simple telemedicine will seem quaint. Keep in mind that as recently as a decade ago, most physicians would have denied that telemedicine could ever play a role in the medical profession. Physicians would have argued that this would dismantle the fundamental unit of medical care – the in-person office visit.

Primul ajutor în școlile românești https://www.viata-medicala.ro/primul-ajutor-in-scolile-romanesti-34374

Noul cadru legal adoptat în vară privitor la oferirea cursurilor de prim ajutor în școli va avea norme metodologice abia vara viitoare.

FDA approves $12,000 cancer treatment that uses SOUND waves to disintegrate tumors – as a painless alternative to radiation and chemotherapy | Daily Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12641137/FDA-approves-cancer-treatment-sound-waves.html

A promising cancer treatment that blasts tumors using soundwaves has been approved in the US.

A machine that uses histotripsy, a technique that uses sound waves to break down tumors, has been approved to treat liver tumors by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

LIVE TEXT. ZF BT Health – Sănătatea în prim plan. ”Avem nevoie de protocoale… https://www.zf.ro/zf-24/live-text-zf-bt-health-sanatatea-in-prim-plan-avem-nevoie-de-22161924

Antidepressants or Tolkien https://antidepressantsortolkien.vercel.app/

Can you guess if the word is an antidepressants drug or a Tolkien character?

Acasă – HiNN https://hinn.ro/

11 nov. 2023, Apollo 111

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