Știrile medicale ale lunii august 2023

Mai jos, resursele cele mai importante, pentru noi, din luna august 2023.

For probabilities, use Fermi numbers, not words https://longform.asmartbear.com/probability-words/

Don’t use phrases like “unlikely” or “almost certainly.” Here’s real-world data showing why not, and what to do instead.

Cum descoperi un medicament nou în 2023?  – Mindcraft Stories https://mindcraftstories.ro/sanatate/cum-descoperi-un-medicament-nou-in-2023/

Inovația în medicina e ajutată de noile tehnologii: de la big data la inteligența artificială și bioimprimarea 3D.

A pornit de la vânzarea de ochelari și a ajuns doctorul ce operează 66 de cazuri pe zi. O poveste inspirațională prin ochii chirurgului oftalmolog Teodor Holhoș – LIFE.ro https://life.ro/a-pornit-de-la-vanzarea-de-ochelari-si-a-ajuns-doctorul-ce-opereaza-66-de-cazuri-pe-zi-o-poveste-inspirationala-prin-ochii-chirurgului-oftalmolog-teodor-holhos/

Teodor Holhoș este oftalmologul la care se programează mii de oameni în fiecare lună atunci când vine vorba de operațiile de reducere dioptrii, cataractă sau de retină odată pentru că e super abil și a doua oară pentru că are cele mai performante aparate, o tehnologie folosită de oftalmologii din Europa de Vest și America.

Bolnavii de cancer din România fac naveta pe caniculă pentru a rămâne în viață https://romania.europalibera.org/a/bolnav-de-cancer-in-romania/32492100.html

Dacă ești bolnav în România, îți trebuie răbdare. Ce faci însă dacă suferi de cancer și răbdarea nu e o opțiune? Mii de români parcurg zilnic distanțe de zeci sau sute de kilometri de acasă până în cel mai apropiat centru oncologic modern pentru a primi tratament.

Humans may soon grow new teeth, with promising drug trial set https://newatlas.com/medical/humans-grow-new-teeth-drug-trial/

Some sharks get a new set of teeth every few weeks, while crocodiles can go through thousands of chompers in their long lifetimes. Yet the ability to endlessly replace our pearly whites is something that’s eluded us and nearly all other mammals. By the time our 32 ‘adult’ teeth grow in, that’s as good as it gets.

Almost All Research on the Mind Is in English. That’s a Problem | WIRED UK https://www.wired.co.uk/article/language-mind-cognition-english-bias

Language can shape how you think in subtle and profound ways. But most researchers only study English speakers.

What are the most addictive foods, according to science https://www.zmescience.com/feature-post/health/food-and-nutrition/addictive-foods/

Delve into the world of addictive foods and uncover the truth behind our cravings.

Google’s medical AI chatbot is already being tested in hospitals – The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/8/23788265/google-med-palm-2-mayo-clinic-chatbot-bard-chatgpt

/ The Mayo Clinic has reportedly been testing the system since April.

Heart monitor manufacturer hit by cyberattack, takes systems offline https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/heart-monitor-manufacturer-hit-by-cyberattack-takes-systems-offline/

CardioComm, a Canadian company which provides heart-monitoring technology to hospitals and consumers, has revealed that it has been forced to take its systems offline following a cyberattack.

First randomized trial finds AI-supported mammography screening is safe and almost halves radiologist workload https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-08-randomized-trial-ai-supported-mammography-screening.html

An interim safety analysis of the first randomized controlled trial of its kind involving over 80,000 Swedish women published in The Lancet Oncology journal, finds artificial intelligence (AI)-supported mammography analysis is as good as two breast radiologists working together to detect breast cancer, without increasing false positives and almost halving the screen-reading workload.

Write a Must-Read: Craft a Book That Changes Lives―Including Your Own: Harper, AJ: 9781989603697: Amazon.com: Books https://www.amazon.com/Write-Must-Read-Craft-Changes-Lives_Including/dp/1989603696

You want to write a nonfiction book that matters. A book readers love and rave about. A book they underline, dog-ear, and highlight. A must-read.

byronv2 - A Wee Read
byronv2 – A Wee Read, https://flic.kr/p/2jhKaT8
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